
Climate Change


"Together, let us work relentlessly to ensure that our nation remains a resilient and sustainable paradise. Our actions today define the legacy we leave for tomorrow!"

Ms. Nafesha Richardson
Climate Change


As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), St. Vincent and the Grenadines faces unique and severe impacts from climate change, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and threats to its biodiversity. The urgency of achieving the 1.5-degree temperature goal underscores the need for immediate, innovative, and strategic adaptation and mitigation measures to safeguard the nation's ecosystems, economy, and the well-being of its citizens. The Climate Change Sectoral Group is poised to play a pivotal role in advocating for youth-driven solutions and policies that align with St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ climate goals, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for the nation. 


To lead, inspire and empower the youth of St. Vincent and the Grenadines towards a sustainable and thriving Vincentian society, economy, and environment where all citizens can achieve a high level of well-being and quality of life through low carbon, resilient development.


To champion the development of a sustainable, low-carbon, and resilient society, economy, and environment by nurturing the leadership, empowerment, and engagement of the youth in St. Vincent and the Grenadines through data-driven advocacy, innovative community projects, and strategic partnerships.


  1. To engage the youth of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in climate change initiatives, encouraging the active, inclusive, and equitable participation and leadership of youth from all segments of society, especially marginalized groups.
  2. To enhance capacity and climate education among the youth and the broader community, ensuring that knowledge and awareness about climate change and sustainable practices are widely disseminated, to support climate change adaptation and mitigation.
  3. To provide data-driven advice and recommendations to the Cabinet on climate-related policies, advocating for the meaningful integration of youth perspectives on low-carbon, resilient development policies and practices in national development planning.
  4. To mainstream climate change and disaster risk reduction and management considerations systematically into key sectors’ planning and programs, focusing particularly on vulnerable populations.
  5. To deepen existing relationships with partners to sustain collective climate efforts.
  6. To forge new, diverse, and inclusive partnerships that amplify the impact of initiatives, ensuring representation from stakeholders across the priority areas in Table 1, including academia, industry, local communities, and marginalized groups, to capture unique perspectives and expertise.  

Scope of Services:

The specific objectives are as follows:

Conduct, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders (Sustainable Development Unit, Energy Unit, Agriculture, Manufacturing sector etc.) a Climate Change Sector readiness assessment for the development of the said sector in line with regional and international best practices and frameworks, determine the most sustainable and effective approach for the implementation of recommendations to drive the sector within St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

  1. The assessment should include an evaluation of the level of awareness about climate change and sustainable practices and provide recommendations tailored to diverse learning styles to build awareness and literacy.
  2. The assessment should include a review of the merits and viability of proposed climate change policies, projects, or undertakings, highlighting the challenges and areas for improvement.
  3. The assessment should include an evaluation of existing laws, policies, regulations, pandemic readiness and standards related to climate change and the integration to disaster risk reduction.
  4. The assessment should review existing communication channels and platforms to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged and provide recommendations for further collaboration.
  5. The assessment should explore measures to mitigate sargassum and possibly the monetization of the same.  

Table 1

Adaptation Priority Areas

Mitigation Priority Areas

  1. Agriculture (Crops and Livestock)*
  2. Coastal and marine zone
  3. Education*
  4. Energy*
  5. Finance and banking
  6. Fisheries and aquaculture*
  7. Forest and terrestrial ecosystems
  8. Human health*
  9. Settlements, infrastructure, and physical development*
  10. Tourism*
  11. Water/Waste Management *
  1. Energy
  2. Forests and carbon sinks
  3. Maritime affairs
  4. Tourism*
  5. Transport
  6. Waste management



Note - Priority Areas with * are those directly/indirectly covered by a sectoral group and would therefore be prioritised.