


"Life is about seasons, embrace all of them- celebrate the wins and apply more effort or new strategies when faced with challenges."

Ms. Timora Peters


The Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines has invested heavily in the Education Sector from inception, be it universal education, fully funded scholarships, bursaries, tuition scholarships and the like. In recent times, the Technical Vocational and Educational Training (TVET) has come to the forefront to prepare citizens with the requisite skills required for jobs. However, one cannot reiterate the power of Education amongst the youth especially in a changing landscape where crime seems to be synonymous with our youth. Hence, this sector aims to empower the youth through quality education that is accessible to all regardless of stature, social class, and gender.


Empowering the youth through quality education.


To advocate for, shape, and promote policies and initiatives that ensure equitable access to quality education, foster skill development, and empower young individuals to reach their full potential.


  1. To lobby for policies that guarantee access to education for all, regardless of socioeconomic background, gender, or geographical location.
  2. To promote the inclusion of marginalized groups, such as students with disabilities, refugees, and minorities, in the education system.
  3. To collaborate with educational institutions to improve the quality of curricula, teaching methods, and learning materials.
  4. To advocate for the integration of modern teaching technologies and practices.
  5.  To encourage the development of vocational and life skills in addition to traditional education.
  6. To foster partnerships with local businesses to create opportunities for internships and apprenticeships.

Scope of Services:

The specific objectives are as follows:

Conduct, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Education, SVGCC etc.) an Education Sector readiness assessment for the development of the Education Sector in line with regional and international best practices and frameworks, determine the most sustainable and effective approach for the implementation of recommendations to drive the sector within St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

  1. The assessment should include an analysis of entry rates, drop-out rates along with demographics.
  2. The assessment should look at the challenges faced by individuals, recommend measures to mitigate against the challenges and advocate for compulsory education.
  3. The assessment should compile from the other sectors the gaps and the need for skills development across the sectors and recommend adjustments to the curricula to enhance skills that are market ready.
  4. The assessment should explore the possibility of establishing relationships for “hands on” training.
  5. Recommend an early indicator system as it pertains to performance at primary and secondary level.